Alcoholics Anonymous Speaker Tapes - Audio-------------------Listen to hundreds of hand selected and high quality AA speaker recordings from Alcoholics Anonymous meetings around the world -- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee - contact us with any issues and we'll resolve them or refund your money.--------------------NOTE: You get 12 speakers and much more AA audio content for free. Unlock and download hundreds more hours of amazing AA recovery content from within the app!
* AA Steps & Traditions* Daily Readings & Reflections* How to Live Sober* Narcotics Anonymous Speaker Tapes* Al-Anon Speaker Tapes* Stories from Bill Wilson* 12 Step Workshops* Personal Stories of Recovery* Sober Meditations and Prayers
And much more... over 100 hours of recovery audio content!
This app is not affiliated, endorsed or otherwise approved by AA or Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. Original text content is copyright its respective owner.--------
AA speakers from around the world on topics ranging from spirituality, service, the 12 steps and traditions, meditation, laughter, prayer, sponsorship and much much more.
Don't wait, download the best of the best!
Yet another great tool to aid in your sobriety or for anyone who wants to learn more about the Alcoholics Anonymous program and membership.
The content in this app is freely available online. You are paying for our hard work to hand curate a selection of great content and organize it in a high quality mobile app for your enjoyment and convenience.